
Minggu, 08 April 2012

Foto Hot Artis Alannys Weber

Alannys Weber is a model professional who is very hot so that it can hit the man. A beautiful face and body dent performance section, it seems to be no reason for the Alannys to be uppity. When the shooting took place, new Alannys night back from vacation last year in Thailand, and the next day, he had to fly to Hong Kong. Of course photographer not dissipate golden opportunity to once again bring the supermodel is only for you.

Alannys congratulate ! It is the third time, shooting you in the face for the rubric Popular. Once again for the anniversary edition. How is it shooting now?

Thank you! I enjoyed myself. First, because it has long since 2004. Second, because the shooting is now much different. When the cover 1 and 2, while the casual shooting photographs that is now more stylish and more elegant. Thank you, Popular still remember me.

After so long with you. It seems the career you fulgent only. What achievement you lately?
Already three years. I have already penetrated in the world akting, play in sinetron and film.

Alannys Weber (born 17 January 1980) is an hot Indonesian lingerie model.There are pictures of Alannys Weber on Polular Magazine.

Alannys Weber

Alannys Weber

Fresh Look Popular Magazine galleries and bonus, so look Alannys Weber star and you can follow this supermodel favorite sail the sea to sexyland
Alannys Weber

Alannys Weber

Alannys Weber

Alannys Weber

Alannys Weber sexy pictures
Alannys Weber

Alannys Weber

Alannys Weber

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